From 2008 – 2015, Lisa Iversen joined Atlanta-based Ade Anifowose on the weekly radio show Life Conversations Radio presents Ancestral Blueprints, to share wisdom from the Systemic Family Constellations modality and invite listeners to consider how unseen ancestral influences impacts our lives, families, and democracy.
Life Conversations Radio was co-founded by Ade Anifowose and Ombassa Sophera.
Episode List
Family Constellations: Healing Generational Trauma (Jul 24, 2008)
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Ancestral Blueprints, Episode 1: Understanding Who You Are (Aug 4, 2008)
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Ancestral Blueprints, Episode 2 (Aug 11, 2008)
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Post-Colonial and Post-Slavery Ties That Bind, Pt. 1 of 2 (Aug 18, 2008)
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Post-Colonial and Post-Slavery Ties That Bind, Pt. 2 of 2 (Aug 25, 2008)
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Honoring the Seen and Unseen Ancestors this Labor Day (Sep 1, 2008)
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Drugs and Alcohol Addiction, Pt. 1 of 2 (Sep 8, 2008)
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Drugs and Alcohol Addiction, Pt. 2 of 2 (Sep 15, 2008)
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Presidential Politics and the Economy, Pt. 1 of 3 (Sep 22, 2008)
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Presidential Politics and the Economy, Pt. 2 of 3 (Sep 29, 2008)
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Presidential Politics and the Economy, Pt. 3 of 3 (Oct 6, 2008)
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Ancestral Blueprints on the Presidential Election – Town Hall Gathering in Atlanta, GA (Oct 12, 2008, rebroadcast Oct 13)
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The Untold Stories of Spirituality and Religion (Oct 20, 2008)
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Are You Prepared for the Election Results?, Pt. 1 of 2 (Oct 27, 2008)
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Are You Prepared for the Election Results?, Pt. 2 of 2 (Nov 4, 2008)
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African American President? Yes!!! Gay Marriage? No!!! (Nov 11, 2008)
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Importance of Family History (Nov 18, 2008)
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Understanding Who You Are (ReRun) (Nov 25, 2008)
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Interview with Filmmakers Katrina Browne and Juanita Brown (Dec 2, 2008)
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Ancestral Wisdom for Right Relationship with Aging Parents (Dec 9, 2008)
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Linear Time vs Soul Time (Dec 16, 2008)
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The Family Soul over the Holiday Season (Dec 23, 2008)
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What Legacy Are You Leaving Behind for Your Descendants? (Dec 30, 2008)
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Faith and Traditions, Pt. 1 of 2 (Jan 6, 2009)
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Faith and Traditions, Pt. 2 of 2 (Jan 13, 2009)
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A New Beginning for America with President Obama (Jan 27, 2009)
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Parents and Children, Pt. 1 of 2 (Feb 3, 2009)
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Conversation with Former Ku Klux Klan Member (Feb 10, 2009)
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Parents and Children, Pt. 2 of 2 (Feb 17, 2009)
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Giving Too Much and Receiving Too Little (Feb 24, 2009)
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Honoring Love in Couple Relationships (Mar 3, 2009)
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Illness as an Expression of Love (Mar 9, 2009)
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How to Rent a Negro (Mar 16, 2009)
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Healing Racism (Mar 23, 2009)
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Embodied Wisdom of Ancestors, and Racism (Apr 6, 2009)
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Trauma’s Landscape in Ancestral Blueprints (Apr 13, 2009)
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Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust (Apr 21, 2009)
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Acknowledging Grief in Ancestral Blueprints (April 27, 2009)
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Balance of Women and Men in the Family Soul, Pt. 1 of 2 (Jun 29, 2009)
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Balance of Women and Men in the Family Soul, Pt. 2 of 2 (Jul 6, 2009)
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Honoring Elders in our Ancestral Blueprints, Pt. 1 of 2 (Jul 13, 2009)
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Honoring Elders in our Ancestral Blueprints, Pt. 2 of 2 (Jul 20, 2009)
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Creativity in Our Ancestral Blueprints (Jul 27, 2009)
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Ancestral Blueprints of Racism, Pt. 1 of 2 (Aug 3, 2009)
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Ancestral Blueprints of Racism, Pt. 2 of 2 (Aug 10, 2009)
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What is Family Constellations? (Aug 17, 2009)
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Needing to be Needed: “I Give, Therefore I Am” (August 24, 2009)
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Revisiting Past Shows (Aug 30, 2009)
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One Year Anniversary of Ancestral Blueprints on Life Conversations Radio (Sep 14, 2009)
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Book Release Part, Q & A (Sep 28, 2009)
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The Impact of Losing a Baby in Ancestral Blueprints (Oct 19, 2009)
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Honoring Ancestral Home Countries (Oct 26, 2009)
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Family Soul Time vs. Linear Time (Nov 3, 2009)
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The Gift of Our Childhood Experiences (Nov 10, 2009)
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Ancestral Blueprints (Apr 28, 2010)
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Ancestral Blueprints (May 26, 2010)
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The Shadow (Self) Knows (Jun 30, 2010)
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Ancestral Blueprints (Jul 28, 2010)
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Ancestral Blueprints (Sep 29, 2010)
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Relationship between Gratitude and Our Ancestors (Oct 27, 2010)
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Ancestral Blueprints and the Holiday Season (Dec 22, 2010)
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Ancestral Blueprints (Jan 26, 2011)
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Ancestral Blueprints (Feb 23, 2011)
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Depression (Mar 30, 2011)
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Ancestral Blueprints (Apr 27, 2011)
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Ancestral Blueprints (May 25, 2011)
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Ancestral Blueprints (Jun 29, 2011)
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The Impact of Losing a Baby (ReRun) (Jul 27, 2011)
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Ancestral Blueprints (Sep 28, 2011)
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Ancestral Blueprints (Nov 30, 2011)
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In Honor of Black History Month (Feb 29, 2012)
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Ancestral Celebration of Birth Days (Mar 28, 2012)
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Ancestral Blueprints and Parenting (Apr 25, 2012)
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Tulsa Race Riots: Reconciliation in America’s Ancestral Blueprints (May 30, 2012)
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Ancestral Blueprints of Love, Relationships, and Abundance (Jun 27, 2012)
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Living the Freedom (Jul 25, 2012)
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Ancestral Power and Disempowerment (Aug 29, 2012)
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Balance and Groundedness (Sep 26, 2012)
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The Gifts of Gratitude (Oct 31, 2012)
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Being the Light with Ancestral Blueprints (Nov 28, 2012)
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The Gifts of Gratitude (Dec 26, 2012)
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Groundedness in the Midst of Challenges (Feb 27, 2013)
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Ancestral Blueprints (Mar 27, 2013)
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Marriage, Relationship, and Love (May 29, 2013)
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De-Guru Your Soul, Pt. 1 of 2 (Jun 26, 2013)
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De-Guru Your Soul, Pt. 2 of 2 (Jul 31, 2013)
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9/11: Ancestral Blueprints Perspective (Sep 11, 2013)
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Honoring Our Ancestors (Oct 30, 2013)
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Honoring Thanksgiving and Its Complexities (Nov 27, 2013)
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Ancestral Blueprints and Holidays (Dec 18, 2013)
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An Embodied Conversation with the Internalized Colonizer (Jan 29, 2014)
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Reclaiming Family & Ancestry as a Source of Healing & Strength (ReRun) (Feb 26, 2014)
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Honoring the Women in Your Ancestral Line (Mar 26, 2014)*
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Honoring Our Traditions (Apr 30, 2014)
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Race, the Civil War, and Memorial Day (May 28, 2014)
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The Meaning of Freedom (Jun 25, 2014)
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Honoring the Women in Your Ancestral Line (Jul 30, 2014)*
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Ferguson, Missouri: Violence and the Soul of Humanity (Aug 27, 2014)*
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From Blind Love to Awake Love (Sept 24, 2014)
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Ancestral Stories: When Ancestors Come Alive (Oct 29, 2014)
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Ancestral Blueprints and Holiday Traditions (Nov 19, 2014)
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Awakening the Soul of Humanity (Dec 17, 2014)
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Irreplaceable Strength through Acceptance (Jan 28, 2015)
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Reclaiming Family & Ancestry as a Source of Healing & Strength (Feb 25, 2015)*
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Ferguson, Missouri: Violence and the Soul of Humanity, Encore (Mar 25, 2015)*
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Partnership, Love and Ancestry (Apr 29, 2015)
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BOB (Belonging, Order, Balance) & BART (Boundaries, Authority, Roles, Task) (May 27, 2015)
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