Center for Ancestral Blueprints
Lisa is the director of the Center for Ancestral Blueprints (CAB), through which she offers programs and workshops in family constellations.
She maintains an email newsletter to share upcoming events and insights inspired by the constellation modality.
CAB Publishing
Lisa also heads CAB Publishing, a publishing arm for CAB.
Lisa is the author of Ancestral Blueprints: Revealing Invisible Truths in America’s Soul (2009, 2020), and the steward and editor of the anthology Whiteness is Not an Ancestor: Essays on Life and Lineage by white Women (2020).
Learn more about Lisa’s authorship on her author website and Goodreads Author profile.
Lisa has also been published in The Knowing Field and other serial publications, many of which are available to read on CAB.
BOB (Belonging, Order, Balance) and BART (Boundaries, Authority, Roles, Task) point to foundational principles operating in family and organizational systems, respectively.