
North American Systemic Constellations

International Systemic Constellation Association

REAL Academy Resource Library

Hellinger Institute of DC, Online Store

The Knowing Field: International Constellations Journal

Directory of U.S. Constellation Facilitators

Gabriele and Bertold Ulsamer

  • Extensive FAQ regarding the influence of unacknowledged family experience.

Awakening Family Constellations with Rita Martino

Systemic Constellations and Trans-generational Trauma (Mar 18, 2020) from Speak from the Body podcast from Nicole Dunn


  • BOB (Belonging, Order, Balance) and BART (Boundaries, Authority, Roles, Task) point to foundational principles operating in family and organizational systems, respectively.


Love’s Hidden Symmetry: What Makes Love Work in Relationships. Bert Hellinger, Gunthard Weber, Hunter Beaumont. Zeig, Tucker & Theilsen, Inc. Publishers. (Available through publisher’s website.)

Love’s Own Truths: Bonding and Balancing in Close Relationships. Bert Hellinger. Zeig, Tucker & Theilsen, Inc. Publishers. (Available through publisher’s website.)

Ancestral Blueprints: Revealing Invisible Truths in America’s Soul. Lisa B. Iversen. CAB Publishing, 2009 and 2020.

Whiteness is Not an Ancestor: Essays on Life and Lineage by white Women. Edited and forward by Lisa B. Iversen. Essays by Sonya Lea, Karin Konstantynowicz, Anne Hayden, Summer Starr, Kate Regan, June BlueSpruce, Sabine Olsen, Carole Harmon, Christina Greené, Sharon Halfnight, Una Suseli O’Connell, and Pam Emerson. CAB Publishing, 2020.